Where Rick Scott Stands on the Issues

Rick Scott is a multi-millionaire who doesn’t understand working families


Wanted to rip away pre-existing condition protections from families1


As a CEO, he oversaw a $1.7 billion Medicare fraud scandal2


Supported a tax giveaway that created a corporate jet loophole for his wealthy right-wing donors3

These are the facts on Rick Scott. Don’t take our word for it, get the facts at these sources.

CHECK THE FACTS: 1. Rick Scott wants to go back to denying coverage for pre-existing conditions, Charlie Crist says, PolitiFact, 4/4/14, https://bit.ly/2OrqNqW 2. Rick Scott ‘oversaw the largest Medicare fraud’ in U.S. history, Florida Democratic Party says, PolitiFact, 3/3/14, https://bit.ly/2vVsxwN 3. The GOP’s corporate jet tax loophole sparks a market “frenzy”, Axios, 9/16/18, https://bit.ly/2NEc8nb

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